Our company guidelines are oriented towards you…
As a market participant, we are constantly in touch with our customers and our environment. We aspire to serve our customers in the best possible, i.e. benefit-oriented, way. We therefore need a uniform work conception and attitude within our company.
- The determined team work of all our employees is the foundation of our company’s success.
- Our services must provide our customers with a clear advantage, especially concerning quality, costs, promptness, and delivery reliability.
- We have to be faster and better than our competitors and prove ourselves to our customers every single day anew.
- We have to master our day-to-day business perfectly. We are aware of the connection between motivation, qualification and success, and therefore encourage our employees to constantly educate themselves in their business area. This is the only way we can direct ourselves uncompromisingly towards technological progress in the field of plastics processing, and guarantee a real benefit for our costumers.
- We feel a responsibility to protect our environment, and therefore advocate an eco-friendly and resource-saving production.
- “Perfection cast from a single mold”: Our motto–our agenda–your benefit!